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Back Over Accidents In Monterey: How To Protect Yourself And Others Against Personal Injuries


Any type of crash is capable of causing serious harm, but backover accidents are among the most potentially heartbreaking. While those pose a serious hazard to people of all ages, children are among the most common victims. Discover more about the risks and how to prevent backover car accidents in Monterey.

Back Over Accident Risks

As the name implies, backover accidents happen when drivers reverse their vehicles and pose serious threats to pedestrians, bicyclists, or anyone in the vicinity. They frequently happen in parking lots, driveways, and side streets. While not the most common type of crash, backover accidents are among the most devastating. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), they claim the lives of nearly 250 people each year and leave more than 12,000 others suffering serious personal injuries.

Sadly, children are among the most at risk. The non-profit group Kids And Car Safety shares some alarming statistics:

  • Roughly 50 children are involved in backover accidents each week in the United States;
  • Children under the age of one are among the most common victims;
  • Over 60 percent of backover accidents involve SUVs, minivans, and other larger vehicles;
  • In over 70 percent of cases, a parent or sibling is behind the wheel.

Safety Tips To Prevent Backover Accidents In Monterey

It is important to teach children about the hazards they face regarding backover accidents in Monterey. Encourage them to pay close attention in parking lots throughout the area, and to stop before crossing driveways in neighborhoods. Families should also take some simple precautions, such as not allowing children to play around parked cars and saying goodbyes indoors, rather than outside as motorists are driving off.

Adults should also use caution when visiting local shopping centers and crossing busy streets, where drivers may be parked alongside. Never assume a motorist sees you in their rearview mirror or will stop to let you pass, and pay attention to brake lights to avoid being a victim.

For drivers, State Farm offers some tips to prevent causing this type of serious crash and the devastating personal injuries that often result:

  • Be aware of large blind spots surrounding your vehicle, where pedestrians or others nearby may disappear from view;
  • Always look twice before backing up and make sure there is no one standing in the immediate area;
  • Avoid over-relying on backup cameras or alarms, which are not always accurate, particularly in detecting small children;
  • If there are children in your neighborhood or you are parking somewhere they tend to gather, get out to make sure none are playing directly behind you before backing up.

Reach Out To Our Monterey Car Accident Lawyers

Backover accidents are one of the most devastating types of crashes. If you or someone you love is a victim, reach out to our car accident attorneys in Monterey. At the Allen Law Firm, we help you get the compensation you are entitled to. Call or contact us online and request a consultation today.


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